divendres, 16 de setembre del 2016


Modals of obligation prohibition and necessity

1. don't have to / doesn't have to
2. must/ mustn't 1
3. must/ mustn't 2
4.must /mustn't 3 
5. must - have to
6. mustn't / don't have to 1
7. mustn't / don't have to 2 
8. mustn't / don't have to 3
9. mixed 1

 Watch the video and do the exercices.


School Rules

1.The school library
Read and do the exercices.

Personal Qualities

1.Watch this video, listen, repeat and learn.

2.Play this game
3.Do this wordsearch 
4.Answer the questions while you watch this video

Modals of ability permission and advice
1. Can ,could, be able to 1   
2.Can, could, be able to 2
3. Can, could, be able to 3
4. Should 1
5.Should 2

                           Shawn Mendes - Treat you better

Word Order Adjectives
1.Drag the words 
2Choose the write order 

   3.Watch the video about the order of adjectives

4.Now do this  quizz. Good luck!

Growing up    


 1 Read about some amazing coming of age ceremonies around the world.
 Copy and complete this grid in your portfolio.

Reacting to news

1 Listen. Find out about Magda's new job and how Sarah deals with her intrusive landlord. Harry has some surprising news and Johnny has a big decision.

2 How to respond to bad news. Listen 


Agatha Christie

The environment   

Listening 1    Listening 2     
  Michael Jackson's "Earth Song"

Vocabulary 1      Vocabulary 2    Vocabulary 3 


Choose the correct word

Practise the environment vocabulary

Do this crossword
Browse this website and do some of the quizzes 
 Present Simple Passive    

  Exercise Exercise 2   Exercise3


How to make yoghurt

Find out about some inventions and their creators
Past Simple Passive
Exercise 1   Exercise2   Exercise3   Exercise4   Exercise5   
Talking about food

   Conversation1 at the restaurant   

Food adjectives 1   Food adjective 2 game       Food adjective 3 text    
Household appliances
 Vocabulary 1     Vocabulary 2     

The life cycle of a t-shirt


Criminals and crime fighters 

1Police emergency vocabulary                                                                 
2Extra vocabulary. Watch the video

3 and now do the quizz
4.Do the quizz: drag the words

5.Watch the video and answer these questions

1. What do crime statistics say about Barcelona?

2. When the gang commits a crime…

Johnnie is the …..

Danny is the …

Mario is the ….

3. Why have they named this tactic The Ronaldinho?

4. Where do they sell the laptops, cameras and phones?

5. What do they prefer to steal?

6. How does the gang feel about committing this crime?

7. The reporter agreed to be robbed. Why was he surprised?

Answers here

Past Perfect
Rules   Affirmative  Negative 1  Negative 2   Interrogative 1  Interrogative 2   Mixed 1   Mixed 2  Mixed 3 
Mixed 4
Contrast P. Perfect P. Simple 1
Contrast 2    Contrast 3

Relative pronouns: which, who, where, whose
Ex    Ex 2     Ex 3      Ex4     Ex 5      Ex6
Modals of deduction

Ex. 1     Ex. 2    Ex. 3    Ex 4     Ex 5
Describing a photo

A narrative 
Read the text and do the exercises
One more text to enjoy 


Present Perfect and Past Simple
Exercise 1,   Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4, Exercise 5, Exercise 6
Exercise 7, Exercise 8,

Exercise 9, Exercise 10Game 1   Game 2 

Game 3   Game 4   Game 5

Game 6  Game 7 


For, Since , Ago

 ExereciseExcercise 2  Exercise 3   Exercise 4  

Present Perfect with ever and never 

Exercise 1  Exercise 2   Exercise 3   Exercise 4    Exercise 5    
Exercise 6   Exercise 7 Exercise 8   

Cultural misunderstandings
Read the text about hand gestures





IDIOTS from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.

Giving instructions

Listen to Phil talking about gadgets and how he uses them in his daily life.
Listen to people talk about their favorite gadget.
Watch Gemma and Sam discuss about the use of the mobile phone.

Subject and object questions

Exercise 4    

Adjectives -ing and -ed

Informal email 
Test  how good you are at  writing an informal email
Informal emails examples


Money and shopping 

Present Perfect

1. Have or has
2.Present Perfect affirmative
3.Present Perfect negative

U2  I still haven't found...

4.Sentences with never 
5.Present Perfect questions 1
6.Present Perfect questions 2
Test 1   Test 2   Test 3 

Listen to penny talking about her hobby and do the activities 

Present perfect with for and since


Present perfect with still, yet and already

Talking about international food 

Click on the image and
do the listening activity
about Colombian food.

Watch this video about food in th UK 

Reaching an agreement

1. watch and do the exercises 

2. Renting a dvd.  Listen and do the quizz 
Writing a discussion essay    
Look at the essay and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.


Describing films

Watch and listen to Gemma and Jack talking about films.

Practise this vocabulary

Types of films and the film industry exercises

Quantifiers: too, too much, too many, (not) enough

1.Choose one of the options
2.Which is the right one?
3.Fill in the correct word

4.Too and enough
5.Enough, too or very 1
6.Enough, too or very 2

Past Simple and Past Continuous 

1.Multiple choice 1
2. Multiple choice 2
3. Multiple choice 3
4.Past continuous affirmative and negative 1
5.Past continuous affirmative and negative 2 
6.Past continuous questions 1
7.Past continuous questions 2 

8.Past simple game

9.Write the correct form of the verb

10. Write the negative 

11.Questions in the past simple 

12. Choose past simple or continuous
Expressing Preferences
1.Choose the right answer
2.Complete the exercise
Verbs with -ing and to 
 1.like+ -ing
2. -ing or to
3. -ing or to

 Friends video



1. Choose the right adjective    2. What's the right adjective?
3.Match the opposites  4. Match up the expressions   5. Mix and match
6 Matching quizz    7. Personality crossword  

First Conditional

1.Make the first conditional
 2 Complete the sentences
3 Write the verbs correctly 
4 Fill in the sentences.
5 Affirmative sentences
Negative sentences  

7.Play this game


Second Conditional   



If I Were A Boy (Official Video) by Beyoncé on VEVO.

1Make the second conditional  2 Choose the correct form of the verb
3 Choose the verb  4   5  6  7  8 

Answer the questions in this SURVEY      


Listen to this song by Joan Osbourne and do the online activities.
Listen to Eric Clapton's song and complete the lyrics

Noun suffixes 
1. Spin the wheel and choose the noun.  2.Make the word by using the right suffix.  3.-ance or -ence?  4 Noun or adjective. What's the answer? 


Adverbs of manner
1 Do you know how to use adverbs of manner? Try these exercices.  
2 Choose the right adverb   3 What's the right adverb?   4 Select an advert  
5 Type the best adverb from the list  6 Change the adjective into an adverb 

Adjective or adverb?
 1 Choose  2 What's the right word?  3 Use the correct word. 4 Use the right form of the word  5 Complete