divendres, 16 de setembre del 2016


Money and shopping 

Present Perfect

1. Have or has
2.Present Perfect affirmative
3.Present Perfect negative

U2  I still haven't found...

4.Sentences with never 
5.Present Perfect questions 1
6.Present Perfect questions 2
Test 1   Test 2   Test 3 

Listen to penny talking about her hobby and do the activities 

Present perfect with for and since


Present perfect with still, yet and already

Talking about international food 

Click on the image and
do the listening activity
about Colombian food.

Watch this video about food in th UK 

Reaching an agreement

1. watch and do the exercises 

2. Renting a dvd.  Listen and do the quizz 
Writing a discussion essay    
Look at the essay and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

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