divendres, 16 de setembre del 2016


Present Perfect and Past Simple
Exercise 1,   Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4, Exercise 5, Exercise 6
Exercise 7, Exercise 8,

Exercise 9, Exercise 10Game 1   Game 2 

Game 3   Game 4   Game 5

Game 6  Game 7 


For, Since , Ago

 ExereciseExcercise 2  Exercise 3   Exercise 4  

Present Perfect with ever and never 

Exercise 1  Exercise 2   Exercise 3   Exercise 4    Exercise 5    
Exercise 6   Exercise 7 Exercise 8   

Cultural misunderstandings
Read the text about hand gestures





IDIOTS from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.

Giving instructions

Listen to Phil talking about gadgets and how he uses them in his daily life.
Listen to people talk about their favorite gadget.
Watch Gemma and Sam discuss about the use of the mobile phone.

Subject and object questions

Exercise 4    

Adjectives -ing and -ed

Informal email 
Test  how good you are at  writing an informal email
Informal emails examples

1 comentari:

  1. If you can’t speak English perfectly way at work or classroom . now convo website help you to speak English fluently without wasting time or money . because you can find a lot of materials like English conversation to practice on speaking . so you can talk English with your Colleagues Easily .
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