divendres, 16 de setembre del 2016


Agatha Christie

The environment   

Listening 1    Listening 2     
  Michael Jackson's "Earth Song"

Vocabulary 1      Vocabulary 2    Vocabulary 3 


Choose the correct word

Practise the environment vocabulary

Do this crossword
Browse this website and do some of the quizzes 
 Present Simple Passive    

  Exercise Exercise 2   Exercise3


How to make yoghurt

Find out about some inventions and their creators
Past Simple Passive
Exercise 1   Exercise2   Exercise3   Exercise4   Exercise5   
Talking about food

   Conversation1 at the restaurant   

Food adjectives 1   Food adjective 2 game       Food adjective 3 text    
Household appliances
 Vocabulary 1     Vocabulary 2     

The life cycle of a t-shirt

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